Editing Blog

Today is March 31st, and today I edited the first 10 scenes that we filmed at my house. Editing proved to be difficult, as one problem was that the editing software I was using for every other project now had a watermark. I had to pay 2$ to get rid of this watermark. Then I had to download the background music we decided on, as the original track we wanted to use wasn't available. We had emailed the producers but they never got back to us and so we decided it was too late to look for tracks from other movies, and decided to use royalty free music. The track we used fit the description we were looking for, ominous & mysterious. Once I put the music in, I had to sit alone in a room and narrate scenes as our production was done from Merlin's head perspective. I messed up a couple times, on the timing of it all, and so I kept doing it until I perfected it. I asked Juan and Keith to give their two cents on how it was going so far. I sent them a snippet of what I had completed s...