Change of Plans

 Today is March 17. We had originally planned to film with our group today for our final task. Keith Rogers, set up the plans today to film and it was not a problem before, but some problems arose. Everyone was free at a certain point but then it turned out I would have to go travelling right before spring break. I think it was not smart to plan something so long beforehand, and then have to cancel. We should have expected that, people travel, and right before a big break. Juan Baca also was crammed to the brim with work. Juan works for his dad and thus he would not be free to film, at least not on days that we all could. Another problem that we did not account for is how busy the streets would get during Spring Break. Busy streets make it hard to film especially with the central idea of our short film being an abandoned town. Keith too had to go travelling, to go up to Georgia, but the thing is, Keith was not leaving until late that night, so he would still have time to film. This is just a problem of communication, and we will have to film once we all come back from spring break. This time we have to make sure everyone's schedules are CLEAR and that there will be no setbacks.


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