Final Edit Markups
Today I finished editing my video and produced the final product. The whole process took me about and hour, close to an hour and a half. Honestly, editing comes really easy to me, and its like my creative mind is always on 4 cylinders. Once we filmed on Tuesday, I came home with about 10 more clips, to add to my original amount. Since we had about 45-50 seconds on hand, there would not be much more editing for me to do. One idea we had in mind was to have Juan and Keith do a flip. The flip would transition between each other, and both landings would show in the span of 6-7 seconds. This was sort of difficult as I had to cut in between both clips, and keep adding it back to readjust and make sure the exact frame matched up to make it look at smooth as possible. Once I added these couple of seconds, I moved on to the next clip. The next clip was me and Fahim embracing one another, then slowly falling apart. This clip was quite easy to edit, all I had to do was cut out the part before Keith told us to begin the clip. Keith filmed a clip near his own home which showed a really nice sunset and would do for a very neat closer. After adding the clip, I realized we still needed like 3 more seconds of footage, so I decided that I would recycle a older clip. The reason for recycling was that since we opened with this clip, I figured it would work as a nice closer too. After editing and combing through for any hitches, or bad audio, it was finished. I exported it to my computer in 4k which took about 10 minutes to export, as it was like 5 gigabytes. Once exported to my PC, I added the name of the song to the scene with the sky, which took me like 5 minutes, to make it enter and exit at the exact, and perfect moment.
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