Script Blog
Scene 1
Kid wakes up in his room
Kid: *Yawns*
Lighting: Sunshine rays through blinds
Digenetic Sound: kid yawning
Kid gets up and opens blinds, no one walking around
Scene 2
Kid walks out of his room and looks at clock
Walks to moms room and knocks on the door
Kid: "Mom? Mom are you up? It's late"
No reply
Non-Diegetic Sound: Eerie music
Kid walks to siblings room and opens the door. No one in the room
Kid: "Where is everyone?"
Scene 3
Kid goes outside, notices there is no traffic
Kid: "What is going on? Everyone was just here yesterday."
Kid runs down the street, sees no one
Scene 4
Kid checks his phone, no service, or wifi
No one to be seen, but cars all around
A deformed human type thing seen walking around a corner
Scene 5
Kid RUNS back inside his house
Thinks to him self on how he has seen these things in movies for zombies
He starts to grab supplies and food into a backpack
Scene 6
As he is packing the water, he hears gunshots outside
He peels open his window and he hears someone scream
He closes the blind, and then someone bangs at the door "OPEN UP"
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