Title Website Research : Venom

 Q1: How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?


A: In the movie venom there are 24 titles that are displayed during the opening sequence of the film. These titles are the names of the actors, directors, screenplay, producers, executive producers, etc.


Q2: what connotations do the images carry?


A: The connotations that these pictures carry are showing how the movie could possibly play out. Inflicting extreme emotions among the audience. For example, Creating feelings of suspense when you don’t know if they will survive in certain scenes.


Q3: How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?


A: The genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes because the images/objects represent more then they show. A lot of scenes in this movie show background characters walking around that will later play an important part in the movie


Q4: What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?


A: The conventions that are being used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience are the film needed to show how their movie is going to be different from competing or past movies This movie is made to stand out from the others because the main character of the movie is a villain. Another strategy used was that they showed how the movie was based on an original Marvel Comic. This will bring in a lot more viewers because it will pull in comic lovers and movie lovers. Another strategy used is they used a villain from another movie. Spider-man 3 is when Venom is first introduced.


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